miércoles, 31 de marzo de 2010


Mecanismo de interrupciones en un PC
Un ordenador PC típico dispone en su placa base de un controlador de interrupciones 8259 de Intel o de un circuito integrado análogo. Este dispositivo electrónico dispone de hasta 16 líneas IRQ, numeradas desde el 00 hasta el 15. En las nuevas placas base este circuito está integrado junto con el resto del chipset y permite hasta 24 interrupciones.
Tipos de interrupciones]
En este subapartado vamos a hacer una clasificación de las distintas clases de interrupciones que nos podemos encontrar atendiendo a la fuente que las produce. Por un lado distinguiremos si se producen por causas internas o externas al procesador y remarcaremos que este hecho está íntimamente ligado con que las interrupciones sean síncronas o asíncronas:

Interrupciones hardware: Estas son asíncronas a la ejecución del procesador, es decir, se pueden producir en cualquier momento independientemente de lo que esté haciendo la CPU en ese momento. Las causas que lo producen son externas al procesador y a menudo suelen estar ligadas con distintos dispositivos de E/S.

Interrupciones software o excepciones : Son aquellas que se producen de forma síncrona a la ejecución del procesador y por tanto podrían predecirse si se analiza con detenimiento la traza del programa que en ese momento estaba siendo ejecutado en la CPU. Normalmente las causas de estas interrupciones suelen ser realizaciones de operaciones no permitidas tales como la división por 0, el desbordamiento, el acceso a una posición de memoria no permitida, etc.

Trampas: A menudo se tiende a confundir las interrupciones software y las trampas, ya que su naturaleza es bastante similar. Sin embargo las excepciones se producen al realizar una operación no permitida por lo que de algún modo podemos decir que no es controlada directamente por el programador si no que, por un fallo al programar, se producen. No obstante las trampas si que son provocadas por el programador, para provocar una trampa existen distintas instrucciones en el repertorio máquina que permiten al programador producir una interrupción al ejecutar dicha instrucción. Suelen tener nemotécnicos tales como INT. Suelen ser de vital importancia ya que a partir de las trampas se pueden pedir al SO que realice determinadas funciones, para ello, en DOS se realiza la instrucción INT 0x21 y en Unix se utiliza INT 0x80.
Interrupciones hardware
Son interrupciones que se producen como resultado de, normalmente, una operación de E/S. No son producidas por ninguna instrucción si no que son señales que producen los dispositivos para indicarle al procesador que necesitan ser 'atendidos'. Las interrupciones hardware son interesantes en cuanto a que permiten mejorar la productividad del procesador ya que este último puede ordenar una operación de E/S y en lugar de tener que esperar a que el dispositivo acabe realizando una espera activa, es decir, sin hacer ningún trabajo útil, se puede dedicar a atender a otro proceso o aplicación y cuando el dispositivo este de nuevo disponible será el encargado de notificarle al procesador mediante la línea de interrupción ya que está preparado para continuar/terminar la operación de E/S.
Interrupciones software o excepciones
Es un tipo de interrupción sincrónica típicamente causada por una condición de error, por ej. una división por 0 o un acceso inválido a memoria en un proceso de usuario. Normalmente genera un cambio de contexto a modo supervisor para que el sistema operativo atienda el error. De manera que podemos ver como las excepciones son un mecanismo de protección que permite garantizar la integridad de los datos tanto en el espacio de usuario como en el espacio kernel. El SO cuando detecta una excepción intenta solucionarla pero en caso de no poder simplemente notificará la condición de error a la aplicación y abortará la misma.

En este apartado se consideran las llamadas al sistema operativo mediante una instrucción, normalmente de Entrada/Salida.
Una interrupción por software, se prevé en qué momento de la ejecución de un programa sucederá. En general actúa de la siguiente manera:
. Un programa que se venía ejecutando luego de su instrucción I5, llama al Sistema Operativo, por ejemplo para leer un archivo de disco.
. A tal efecto, luego de I5 existe en el programa, la instrucción de código de máquina CD21, simbolizada INT 21 en Assembler, que realiza el requerimiento del paso 1. Puesto que no puede seguir le ejecución de la instrucción I6 y siguientes del programa hasta que no se haya leído el disco y esté en memoria principal dicho archivo, virtualmente el programa se ha interrumpido, siendo, además, que luego de INT 21, las instrucciones que se ejecutarán no serán del programa, sino del Sistema Operativo.
. La ejecución de INT 21 permite hallar la subrutina del Sistema Operativo.
. Se ejecuta la subrutina del Sistema Operativo que prepara la lectura del disco.
. Luego de ejecutarse la subrutina del Sistema Operativo, y una vez que se haya leído el disco y verificado que la lectura es correcta, el Sistema Operativo ordenará reanudar la ejecución del programa autointerrumpido en espera.
. La ejecución del programa se reanuda.


Clasificación de las empresas
Existen numerosas diferencias entre unas empresas y otras. Sin embargo, según en qué aspecto nos fijemos, podemos clasificarlas de varias formas. Dichas empresas, además cuentan con funciones, funcionarios y aspectos disímiles, a continuación se presentan los tipos de empresas según sus ámbitos y su producción.
Según la actividad o giro
Las empresas pueden clasificarse, de acuerdo con la actividad que desarrollen, en:
Industriales. La actividad primordial de este tipo de empresas es la producción de bienes mediante la transformación de la materia o extracción de materias primas. Las industrias, a su vez, se clasifican en:
Extractivas. Cuando se dedican a la explotación de recursos naturales, ya sea renovables o no renovables. Ejemplos de este tipo de empresas son las pesqueras, madereras, mineras, petroleras, etc.
Manufactureras: Son empresas que transforman la materia prima en productos terminados, y pueden ser:
De consumo final. Producen bienes que satisfacen de manera directa las necesidades del consumidor. Por ejemplo: prendas de vestir, muebles, alimentos, aparatos eléctricos, etc.
De producción. Estas satisfacen a las de consumo final. Ejemplo: maquinaria ligera, productos químicos, etc.
Comerciales. Son intermediarias entre productor y consumidor; su función primordial es la compra/venta de productos terminados. Pueden clasificarse en:
Mayoristas: Venden a gran escala o a grandes rasgos.
Minoristas (detallistas): Venden al menudeo.
Comisionistas: Venden de lo que no es suyo, dan a consignación.
Servicio. Son aquellas que brindan servicio a la comunidad que a su vez se clasifican en:
Instituciones financieras
Servicios públicos (energía, agua, comunicaciones)
Servicios privados (asesoría, ventas, publicidad, contable, administrativo)
Según la forma jurídica
Atendiendo a la titularidad de la empresa y la responsabilidad legal de sus propietarios. Podemos distinguir:
Empresas individuales: si sólo pertenece a una persona. Esta puede responder frente a terceros con todos sus bienes, es decir, con responsabilidad limitada, o sólo hasta el monto del aporte para su constitución, en el caso de las empresas individuales de responsabilidad limitada o EIRL. Es la forma más sencilla de establecer un negocio y suelen ser empresas pequeñas o de carácter familiar.
Empresas societarias o sociedades: constituidas por varias personas. Dentro de esta clasificación están: la sociedad anónima, la sociedad colectiva, la sociedad comanditaria y la sociedad de responsabilidad limitada
Las cooperativas u otras organizaciones de economía social.
Según su dimensión
No hay unanimidad entre los economistas a la hora de establecer qué es una empresa grande o pequeña, puesto que no existe un criterio único para medir el tamaño de la empresa. Los principales indicadores son: el volumen de ventas, el capital propio, número de trabajadores, beneficios, etc. El más utilizado suele ser según el número de trabajadores. Este criterio delimita la magnitud de las empresas de la forma mostrada a continuación:
Micro empresa: si posee 10 o menos trabajadores.
Pequeña empresa: si tiene un número entre 11 y 50 trabajadores.
Mediana empresa: si tiene un número entre 51 y 250 trabajadores.
Gran empresa: si posee más de 250 trabajadores.
Multinacional: si posee ventas internacionales.
Según su ámbito de actuación
En función del ámbito geográfico en el que las empresas realizan su actividad, se pueden distinguir
1. Empresas locales
2. Regionales
3. Nacionales
4. Multinacionales
5. Transnacionales
6. Mundial
Según la procedencia de capital
1. Empresa privada: si el capital está en manos de accionistas particulares (empresa familiar si es la familia, empresa autogestionada si son los trabajadores, etc.)
2. Empresa pública: si el capital y el control está en manos del Estado
3. Empresa mixta: si la propiedad es compartida
Según la cuota de mercado que poseen las empresas
Empresa aspirante: aquélla cuya estrategia va dirigida a ampliar su cuota frente al líder y demás empresas competidoras, y dependiendo de los objetivos que se plantee, actuará de una forma u otra en su planificación estratégica.
Empresa especialista: aquélla que responde a necesidades muy concretas, dentro de un segmento de mercado, fácilmente defendible frente a los competidores y en el que pueda actuar casi en condiciones de monopolio. Este segmento debe tener un tamaño lo suficientemente grande como para que sea rentable, pero no tanto como para atraer a las empresas líderes.
Empresa líder: aquélla que marca la pauta en cuanto a precio, innovaciones, publicidad, etc., siendo normalmente imitada por el resto de los actuantes en el mercado.
Empresa seguidora: aquélla que no dispone de una cuota suficientemente grande como para inquietar a la empresa líder.

lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010


Acorn Computers
Acorn MOS (on the BBC Micro and BBC Master)
RISC iX (based on 4.3BSD)
Amiga Inc.
AmigaOS 1.0-3.9 (68k)
AmigaOS 4 (PowerPC)
Amiga Unix (aka Amix)
Apollo Computer
Domain/OS One of the first network-based systems. Ran on Apollo/Domain hardware. Later bought by Hewlett-Packard.
vikek OS
Apple Inc.
Apple II
Apple DOS
UCSD Pascal
Apple III
SOS (Sophisticated Operating System)
Apple Lisa
Lisa OS
Apple Newton
Newton OS
Mac OS
System Software 1
System Software 2
System Software 3
System Software 4
System Software 5
System 6
System 7 (codenamed "Big Bang")
Mac OS 8
Mac OS 9
Unix-like operating systems
Macintosh Computers
For 68k CPUs
PowerPC CPUs
PowerPC and Intel CPUs
Mac OS X
Mac OS X v10.0 (aka "Cheetah")
Mac OS X v10.1 (aka "Puma")
Mac OS X v10.2 (aka "Jaguar")
Mac OS X v10.3 (aka "Panther")
Mac OS X v10.4 (aka "Tiger")
Mac OS X v10.5 (aka "Leopard")
Mac OS X v10.6 (aka "Snow Leopard")
Mac OS X Server
iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad
iPhone OS
Atari DOS (for 8-bit computers)
Atari TOS
Atari MultiTOS
BAE Systems
Be Inc.
BeOS r5.1d0
magnussoft ZETA (based on BeOS r5.1d0 source code, developed by yellowTAB)
Blue Eyed OS
Burroughs Corporation
Burroughs MCP
Control Data Corporation
COS (Chippewa Operating System)
SIPROS (for Simultaneous Processing Operating System)
SCOPE (Supervisory Control Of Program Execution)
MACE (Mansfield and Cahlander Executive)
KRONOS (Kronographic OS)
NOS (Network Operating System)
NOS/BE NOS Batch Environment
Convergent Technologies
Convergent Technologies Operating System (later acquired by Unisys)
Data General
RDOS Real-time Disk Operating System, with variants: RTOS and DOS (not related to IBM PC DOS).
AOS for 16-bit Data General Eclipse computers and AOS/VS for 32-bit (MV series) Eclipses, MP/AOS for microNOVA-based computers
CTOS Z-80 based, Cassette Tape Operating System for early desktop systems. Capable of up to 8 simultaneous users. Replaced by DataPoint DOS.
DOS Intel 808x/80x86-based, Disk Operating Systems for desktop systems. Capable of up to 32 users per node. Supported a sophisticated network of nodes that were often purpose-built. The name DOS was used in these products login screens before it was popularized by IBM, Microsoft and others.
Digital Research Inc
Control Program/Monitor (CP/M)
CP/M-80 CP/M for Intel 8080/8085 and Zilog Z80
MP/M-80 Multi-user version of CP/M-80
CP/M-86 CP/M for Intel 8088/86
MP/M-86 Multi-user version of CP/M-86
CP/M-68k CP/M for Motorola 68000
CP/M-8000 CP/M for Zilog Z8000
DR-DOS (Digital Research's [later Novell, Caldera, ...] DOS variant, based on CP/M descendants)
Concurrent DOS (Digital Research's first multiuser DOS variant)
Multiuser DOS (Digital Research's [later CCI's. Real's/...] multiuser DOS variant)
Digital/Tandem Computers/Compaq/HP
ITS (for the PDP-6 and PDP-10)
Multi-Programming Executive (from HP)
TOPS-10 (for the PDP-10)
WAITS (for the PDP-6 and PDP-10)
TENEX (from BBN, for the PDP-10)
TOPS-20 (for the PDP-10)
RSTS/E (multi-user time-sharing OS for PDP-11s)
RSX-11 (multiuser, multitasking OS for PDP-11s)
RT-11 (single user OS for PDP-11)
VMS (originally by DEC, now by HP) for the VAX mini-computer range, Alpha and Intel Itanium 2; later renamed OpenVMS)
Domain/OS (originally Aegis, from Apollo Computer who were bought by HP)
RTE HP's Real Time Executive (ran on the HP 1000)
TSB HP's Time Share Basic (yes, it was an operating system, ran on the HP 2000 series)
Digital UNIX (derived from OSF/1, became HP's Tru64 UNIX)
NonStop Kernel (Originally from
Tandem Computers for their line of fault-tolerant platforms; originally called Guardian). It supports concurrent execution of:
OSS (POSIX-compliant Open System Services)
Towns OS
Gould CSD (Computer System Division)
UTX-32, Unix based OS
Green Hills Software
INTEGRITY Reliable Operating system
INTEGRITY-178B A DO-178B certified version of INTEGRITY.
µ-velOSity A lightweight microkernel.
HP Real-Time Environment; ran on HP1000 series computers.
HP Multi-Programming Executive; (MPE, MPE/XL, and MPE/iX) runs on HP 3000 and HP e3000 mini-computers.
HP-UX; runs on HP9000 and Itanium servers - from small to mainframe-class computers.
OLERT-E; Online Executive for Real Time. Ran on Honeywell DDP-516 computers.
Intel Corporation
iRMX; real-time operating system originally created to support the Intel 8080 and 8086 processor families in embedded applications.
ISIS-II; "Intel Systems Implementation Supervisor" was THE environment for development of software within the Intel microprocessor family in the early 1980'ies on their Intellec Microcomputer Development System and clones. ISIS-II worked with 8 inch floppy disks and had an editor, cross-assemblers, a linker, an object locator, compilers for PLM (PL/I for microprocessors of the 8080/86 family), a BASIC interpreter, etc. and allowed file management through a console.
OS/360 and successors on IBM mainframes
OS/360 (First official OS targeted for the System/360 architecture, saw customer installations of the following variations:)
PCP (Primary Control Program, a kernel and a ground breaking automatic space allocating file system)
MFT (Multi-Programming Fixed Tasks, had 15 fixed size partitions defined at boot time)
MVT (Multi-Programming Variable Tasks, had up to 15 partitions defined dynamically)
OS/VS (The official port of OS/360 targeted for the
System/370 virtual memory architecture. "OS/370" is not correct name. Customer installations in the following variations:)
SVS (Single Virtual Storage (both VS1 & VS2 began as SVS systems))
OS/VS1 (Operating System/Virtual Storage 1, Virtual-memory version of OS/MFT)
OS/VS2 (Operating System/Virtual Storage 2, Virtual-memory version of OS/MVT)
OS/VS2 R2 (called
Multiple Virtual Storage, MVS, eliminated any need for VS1)
MVS/SP (MVS System Package)
MVS/XA (MVS/SP V2. MVS supported eXtended Architecture, 31bit addressing)
MVS/ESA (MVS supported Enterprise System Architecture, horizontal addressing extensions: data only address spaces called Dataspaces)
OS/390 (Upgrade from MVS, with an additional Unix-like environment.)
z/OS (OS/390 supported z/Architecture, 64bit addressing.)
DOS/360 and successors on IBM mainframes
BOS/360 (Early interim version of DOS/360, briefly available at a few Alpha & Beta System 360 sites)
TOS/360 (Similar to BOS above and more fleeting, able to boot and run from 2x00 series tape drives)
DOS/360 (Disk Operating System (DOS). First commonly available OS for System/360 due to problems in the OS/360 Project. Multi-programming system with up to 3 partitions.)
DOS/360/RJE (DOS/360 with a control program extension that provided for the monitoring of remote job entry hardware (card reader & printer) connected by dedicated phone lines.)
DOS/VS (First DOS offered on System/370 systems, provided virtual storage.)
DOS/VSE (upgrade of DOS/VS. Still had fixed size processing partitions, but up to 14 partitions.)
VSE/SP (renamed from DOS/VSE.)
VSE/ESA (DOS/VSE extended virtual memory support to 32 bit addresses (Extended System Architecture)).
z/VSE (Latest version of the four decades old DOS lineage. Now supports 64 bit addresses, multiprocessing, multiprogramming, SNA, TCP/IP, and some virtual machine features in support of Linux workloads. (All DOS ref. IBM website))
CP/CMS and successors on IBM mainframes (Control Program / Cambridge Monitor System, virtual machine operating system, VM line)
CP-40/CMS (for System/360 Model 40)
CP-67/CMS (for System/360 Model 67)
VM/370 Virtual Machine / Conversational Monitor System, VM (operating system) for System/370 with virtual memory.
VM (operating system) eXtended Architecture for System/370 with extended virtual memory.
Virtual Machine /Extended System Architecture, added 32 bit addressing to VM series.
z/VM z/Architecture version of the VM OS (64 bit addressing).
TPF Line on IBM mainframes (real-time operating system, largely used by airlines)
ACP (Airline Control Program)
TPF (Transaction Processing Facility)
z/TPF (z/Architecture extension)
Unix-like on IBM mainframes
Linux (Linux on System z, z/Linux)
OpenSolaris (OpenSolaris for IBM System z)
Others on IBM mainframes
IBSYS (tape based operating system for IBM 7090 and IBM 7094)
CTSS (The Compatible Time-Sharing System developed at MIT's Computation Center)
RTOS/360 (Real Time Operating System, run on 5 NASA custom System/360/75s. A mash up by the Federal Systems Division of the MFT system management, PCP basic kernel and file system, with MVT task management and FSD custom real time kernel extensions and error management. The pinnacle of OS/360 development .)
MTS (Michigan Terminal System for IBM System/360)
TSS/360 (Time Sharing System for IBM System/360)
MUSIC/SP (developed by McGill University for IBM System/370)
IJMON (A bootable serial I/O monitor for loading programs for IBM 1400 and IBM 1800.)
IBM Series/1
EDX (Event Driven Executive)
RPS (Realtime Programming System)
IBM 8100
DPCX (Distributed Processing Control eXecutive)
DPPX (Distributed Processing Programming Executive)
IBM System/3
DMS (Disk Management System)
IBM System/34, IBM System/36
SSP (System Support Program)
IBM System/38
CPF (Control Program Facility)
IBM System/88
Stratus VOS (developed by Stratus, and used for IBM System/88, Original equipment manufacturer from Stratus.)
AS/400, iSeries, System i, Power Systems i Edition
OS/400 (descendant of System/38 CPF, include System/36 SSP environment.)
i5/OS (extends OS/400 with significant interoperability features.)
IBM i (extends i5/OS.)
AIX (Advanced Interactive eXecutive, a System V Unix version)
AOS (a BSD Unix version), not related to Data General AOS
IBM PC and successors on x86 architecture
PC DOS 1.x, 2.x, 3.x (developed jointly with Microsoft)
IBM DOS 4.x, 5.0 (developed jointly with Microsoft)
PC DOS 6.x, 7, 2000
OS/2 1.x (developed jointly with Microsoft)
OS/2 2.x
OS/2 Warp 3
OS/2 Warp 4
eComStation (Warp 4.5/Workspace on Demand, rebundled by Serenity Systems International)
IBM Workplace OS (Microkernel based operating system, developed and canceled in 1990s)
K42 (open-source research operating system on PowerPC or x86 based cache-coherent multiprocessor systems)
Dynix (developed by Sequent, and used for IBM NUMA-Q too.)
International Computers Limited
J and MultiJob for the System 4 series mainframes
GEORGE 2/3/4 GEneral ORGanisational Environment, used by ICL 1900 series mainframes
Executive, used on the 290x range of minicomputers
TME, used on the ME29 minicomputer
ICL VME, including early variants VME/B VME/K, appearing on the ICL 2900 Series and Series 39 mainframes
LynuxWorks (originally Lynx Real-time Systems)
Micrium Inc.
MicroC/OS-II (Small pre-emptive priority based multi-tasking kernel)
Xenix (licensed version of Unix; licensed to SCO in 1987)
MSX-DOS (developed by MS Japan for the MSX 8-bit computer)
MS-DOS (developed jointly with IBM, versions 1.0–6.22)
Windows 1.0 (Windows 1 - Based on Visi-On)
Windows 2.0 (Windows 2)
Windows 3.0 (Windows 3 - Is the first version of Windows to make substantial commercial impact)
Windows 3.1x (Windows 3.1)
Windows 3.2 (Chinese-only release)
Windows 9x
Windows 95 (Windows 4) (codename: Chicago)
Windows 98 (Windows 4.1) (codename: Memphis)
Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me - Windows 4.9)
OS/2 (developed jointly with IBM)
Windows NT
Windows NT 3.1 (OS/2 3.0 - Windows 3.1)
Windows NT 3.5 (Windows 3.5)
Windows NT 3.51 (Windows 3.51)
Windows NT 4.0 (Windows 4)
Windows 2000 (Windows NT 5.0 - Windows 5)
Windows XP (Windows NT 5.1 - Windows 5.1) (codename: Whistler)
Windows Server 2003 (Windows NT 5.2 - Windows 5.2) (codename: Whistler Server)
Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs
Windows Vista (Windows NT 6.0 - Windows 6) (codename: Longhorn)
Windows Home Server
Windows Server 2008 (Windows NT 6.0 - Windows 6) (codename: Longhorn Server)
Windows 7 (Windows 6.1 - previously codenamed Blackcomb, then Vienna)
Windows Preinstallation Environment (WinPE)
Windows CE (OS for handhelds, embedded devices, and real-time applications that is similar to other versions of Windows)
Windows CE 3.0
Windows CE 5.0
Windows CE 6.0
Windows Mobile (based on Windows CE, but for a smaller form factor)
Singularity - A research operating system written mostly in managed code (C#)
Midori - A managed code operating system
MontaVista Software
MontaVista Linux
MontaVista Professional Edition
MontaVista Carrier Grade Edition
NCR Corporation
TMX - Transaction Management eXecutive
NetWare network operating system providing high-performance network services. Has been superseded by Open Enterprise Server line, which can be based on NetWare or Linux to provide the same set of services.
Open Enterprise Server, the successor to NetWare.
OpenSUSE, SUSE operating system (formerly SuSe and s.u.s.e)

Quadros Systems
RTXC Quadros RTOS proprietary C-based RTOS used in embedded systems
BEST - Business Executive System for Timesharing
TSOS, first OS supporting virtual addressing of the main storage and support for both timeshare and batch interface
Unison RTOS Ultra Tiny Embedded Linux Compatible RTOS
DSPnano RTOS Ultra Tiny Embedded Linux Compatible RTOS
Unison/Reliant V3 pSOS derivative RTOS
SCO / The SCO Group[1]
Xenix, Unix System III based distribution for the Intel 8086/8088 architecture
Xenix 286, Unix System V Release 2 based distribution for the Intel 80286 architecture
Xenix 386, Unix System V Release 2 based distribution for the Intel 80386 architecture
SCO Unix, SCO UNIX System V/386 was the first volume commercial product licensed by AT&T to use the UNIX System trademark (1989). Derived from AT&T System V Release 3.2 with an infusion of Xenix device drivers and utilities plus most of the SVR4 features
SCO Open Desktop, the first 32-bit graphical user interface for UNIX Systems running on Intel processor-based computers. Based on SCO Unix
SCO OpenServer 5, AT&T UNIX System V Release 3 based
SCO OpenServer 6, SVR5 (UnixWare 7) based kernel with SCO OpenServer 5 application and binary compatibility, system administration, and user environments
UnixWare 2.x, based on AT&T System V Release 4.2MP
UnixWare 7, UnixWare 2 kernel plus parts of 3.2v5 (UnixWare 2 + OpenServer 5 = UnixWare 7). Referred to by SCO as SVR5
Scos 1
Scos 1.2
Scos 1.5
Scos 2.0
Scos 2.5
Scos 3
Scos 4
Scos 5
Scos 6 (Latest Stable Version)

SDS (Scientific Data Systems)
CP Control Program. SDS later acquired by Xerox, then Honeywell.
Systems Engineering Laboratories)
Real Time Monitor (RTM)
Tmax Window
TRON Project
TRON (open real-time operating system kernel)
Unicoi Systems
Fusion RTOS highly prolific, license free Real-time operating system.
DSPOS was the original project which would become the royalty free Fusion RTOS.
Unisys OS 2200 operating system
UNIVAC (later Unisys)
EXEC 8 Ran on 1100 series.
VS/9, successor to RCA TSOS
Open AT OS
Wang Laboratories
2200T Wang BASIC based system for the multi-user, 2200T systems. Products included a system called Personal Computer before the term was made more popular with IBM products.
2200VP/MVP Wang BASIC based system for the higher performance, 2200VP/MVP multi-user systems. Contained sophisticated micro-code programming for high performance operation.
WPS Wang Word Processing System. Micro-code based system. Very clever and productive system developed by Harold Kaplow while at Wang. Eventually phased out by the PC and Word Perfect.
OIS Wang Office Information System. Successor to the WPS. Combined the WPS and VP/MVP systems. Harold Kaplow was its principal architect. Eventually phased out by the 2200VS.
2200VS IBM assembler instruction set microcode emulation. Supported the Wang 2200VS high-performance, multi-user systems. Designed to be a COBOL developers dream machine. Included some of the OIS operating system code. Eventually phased out by the UNIX operating system.
Wind River Systems
VxWorks Small footprint, scalable, high-performance RTO
] Other
Symbolics Genera written in a systems dialect of the Lisp programming language called ZetaLisp and Symbolics Common Lisp. Genera was ported to a virtual machine for the DEC Alpha line of computers.
Texas Instruments' Explorer Lisp machine workstations also had systems code written in Lisp Machine Lisp.
Xerox 1100 series of Lisp machines ran an operating system written in Interlisp that was also ported to virtual machine called "Medley."
Lisp Machines, Inc. also known as LMI, also ran an operating system based on MIT's Lisp Machine Lisp.
Non-standard language-based
Mesa programming language was used to implement the Pilot operating system, used in Xerox Star workstations.
PERQ Operating System (POS) was written in PERQ Pascal.
Other proprietary non-Unix-like
EOS; developed by ETA Systems for use in their ETA-10 line of supercomputers
EMBOS; developed by
Elxsi for use on their mini-supercomputers
GCOS is a proprietary Operating System originally developed by General Electric
PC-MOS/386; DOS-like, but multiuser/multitasking
SINTRAN III; an operating system used with Norsk Data computers.
TRS-DOS; A floppy-disk-oriented OS supplied by Tandy/Radio Shack for their Z80-based line of personal computers.
NewDos/80; A third-party OS for Tandy's TRS-80 personal computers.
DX10 and DNOS; proprietary operating systems for TI-990 minicomputers
MAI Basic Four; An OS implementing Business Basic from MAI Systems.
Michigan Terminal System; Developed by a group of American universities for IBM 360 series mainframes
MUSIC/SP; an operating system developed for the S/370, running normally under VM
SkyOS; commercial desktop OS for PCs
TSX-32; a 32-bit operating system for x86 platform.
OS ES; an operating system for
Prolog-Dispatcher; used to control Soviet
Buran space ship.
Other proprietary Unix-like and POSIX-compliant
Aegis (Apollo Computer)
Amiga Unix (Amiga ports of Unix System V release 3.2 with Amiga A2500UX and SVR4 with Amiga A3000UX. Started in 1989, last version was in 1992)
Clix (Intergraph's System V implementation)
Coherent (Unix-like OS from Mark Williams Co. for PC class computers)
DC/OSx (DataCenter/OSx was an operating system for MIPS based systems developed by Pyramid Technology)
DG/UX (Data General Corp)
DSPnano RTOS (POSIX nanokernel, DSP Optimized, Open Source)
Idris workalike from Whitesmiths
INTERACTIVE UNIX (a port of the UNIX System V operating system for Intel x86 by INTERACTIVE Systems Corporation)
NeXTSTEP (developed by NeXT; a Unix-based OS based on the Mach microkernel)
OS-9 Unix-like RTOS. (OS from Microware for Motorola 6809 based microcomputers)
Unix-like RTOS. (OS from Microware for Motorola 680x0 based microcomputers; based on OS-9)
OS-9000 Unix-like RTOS. (OS from Microware for Intel x86 based microcomputers; based on OS-9, written in C)
OSF/1 (developed into a commercial offering by Digital Equipment Corporation)
QNX (POSIX, microkernel OS; usually a real time embedded OS)
Rhapsody (an early form of Mac OS X)
RISC/os (a port by MIPS of 4.3BSD to the RISC MIPS architecture)
SCO UNIX (from SCO, bought by Caldera who renamed themselves SCO Group)
SINIX (a port by SNI of Unix to the RISC MIPS architecture)
Solaris (Sun's System V-based replacement for SunOS)
SunOS (BSD-based Unix system used on early Sun hardware)
SUPER-UX (a port of System V Release 4.2MP with features adopted from BSD and Linux for NEC SX architecture supercomputers)
System V (a release of AT&T Unix, 'SVR4' was the 4th minor release)
System V/AT, 386 (The first version of AT&T System V UNIX on the IBM 286 and 386 PCs, ported and sold by Microport)
Trusted Solaris (Solaris with kernel and other enhancements to support multilevel security)
UniFLEX (Unix-like OS from TSC for DMA-capable, extended addresses, Motorola 6809 based computers; e.g. SWTPC, GIMIX, …)
Unicos (the version of Unix designed for Cray Supercomputers, mainly geared to vector calculations)
Unison RTOS (Multicore RTOS with DSP Optimization)
Research Unix-like and other POSIX-compliant
Minix (study OS developed by Andrew S. Tanenbaum in the Netherlands)
Plan 9 (distributed OS developed at Bell Labs, based on original Unix design principles yet functionally different and going much further)
Inferno (distributed OS derived from Plan 9, originally from Bell Labs)
Plan B (distributed OS derived from
Plan 9 and Off++ microkernel)
Unix (OS developed at Bell Labs ca 1970 initially by Ken Thompson)
Xinu, (Study OS developed by Douglas E. Comer in the USA)
Free/Open source Unix-like
BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution, a variant of Unix for DEC VAX hardware)
FreeBSD (one of the outgrowths of UC Regents' abandonment of CSRG's 'BSD Unix')
NetBSD (one of the outgrowths of UC Regents' abandonment of CSRG's 'BSD Unix')
OpenBSD forked from NetBSD
Linux (GNU Free/Open Source Operating System Software combined with the Linux kernel)
See also:
List of Linux distributions
OpenSolaris, contains original Unix (SVR4) code
AuroraUX, fork of OpenSolaris
SSS-PC, developed at Tokyo University
Syllable Desktop
FMI/OS, successor of VSTa
Other Unix-like
TUNIS (University of Toronto)
Research non-Unix-like
Amoeba (research OS by Andrew S. Tanenbaum)
Cambridge CAP computer operating system demonstrated the use of security capabilities, both in hardware and software, also a useful fileserver. Written in ALGOL 68C.
House Haskell User's Operating System and Environment, research OS written in Haskell and C.
ILIOS Research OS designed for routing
EROS microkernel, capability-based
CapROS microkernel EROS successor.
Coyotos microkernel EROS successor, goal: be first formally verified OS.
L4 Second generation microkernel
Mach (from OS kernel research at Carnegie Mellon University; see NeXTSTEP)
MONADS, capability-based OS designed to support the MONADS hardware projects
SPEEDOS (Secure Persistent Execution Environment for Distributed Object Systems) builds on MONADS ideas
Nemesis Cambridge University research OS - detailed quality of service abilities.
Spring (research OS from Sun Microsystems)
V from Stanford, early 1980s [2]
FreeNOS, a microkernel educational operating system
Free/Open source non-Unix-like
FullPliant (programming language-based)
FreeDOS (open source DOS variant)
FreeVMS (open source VMS variant)
Haiku (open source inspired by BeOS, under development)
Kinetic (written in Haskell)
MonaOS (written in C++)
ReactOS (Windows NT-compatible OS, in early development since 2001)
osFree (open source OS/2 implementation)
OZONE (object-oriented)
Disk Operating Systems
Main article:
86-DOS (developed at Seattle Computer Products by Tim Paterson for the new Intel 808x CPUs; licensed to Microsoft, became PC DOS/MS-DOS. Also known by its working title QDOS.)
PC DOS (IBM's DOS variant, developed jointly with Microsoft, versions 1.0 – 7, 2000)
MS-DOS (Microsoft's DOS variant for OEM, developed jointly with IBM, versions 1.x – 6. Microsoft's now abandoned DOS variant)
FreeDOS (open source DOS variant)
ProDOS (operating system for the Apple II series computers)
PTS-DOS (DOS variant by Russian company Phystechsoft)
RDOS by Leif Ekblad (not to be confused with
Data General Corporation's "Real-time Disk Operating System" for Data General Nova and Data General Eclipse minicomputers).
TurboDOS (Software 2000, Inc.) for Z80 and Intel 8086 processor-based systems
Multi-tasking user interfaces and environments for DOS
DESQview+ QEMM 386 multi-tasking user interface for DOS
DESQView/X (
X-windowing GUI for DOS)
Main article:
Network operating system
Cambridge Ring
CTOS (Convergent Technologies, later acquired by Unisys)
Data ONTAP by NetApp
SAN-OS by Cisco (now NX-OS)
Enterprise OS by McDATA
ExtremeWare by Extreme Networks
ExtremeXOS by Extreme Networks
Fabric OS by Brocade
JUNOS (Juniper Networks)
NetWare (networking OS by Novell)
NOS (developed by CDC for use in their Cyber line of supercomputers)
Novell Open Enterprise Server (Open Source networking OS by Novell. Can incorporate either SUSE Linux or Novell NetWare as its kernel).
Plan 9 (distributed OS developed at Bell Labs, based on Unix design principles but not functionally identical)
Inferno (distributed OS derived from Plan 9, originally from Bell Labs)
Plan B (distributed OS derived from Plan 9 and Off++ microkernel)
TurboDOS (Software 2000, Inc.)
XPATH OS by Brocade
Web operating systems
Main article:
Web operating system
Chrome OS
Browser OS
Glide OS
Lucid Desktop
Generic/commodity and other
Bluebottle also known as AOS (a concurrent and active object update to the Oberon operating system)
BS1000 by Siemens AG
BS2000 by Siemens AG, now BS2000/OSD from Fujitsu-Siemens Computers (formerly Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme)
BS3000 by Siemens AG (functionally similar to OS-IV and MSP from Fujitsu)
FLEX9 (by TSC for Motorola 6809 based machines; successor to FLEX, which was for Motorola 6800 CPUs)
FutureOS (for Amstrad/Schneider CPC6128 and CPCPlus machines)
GEM (windowing GUI for CP/M, DOS, and Atari TOS)
GEOS (popular windowing GUI for PC, Commodore, Apple computers)
JNode JNode.org's OS written 99% in Java (native compiled), provides own JVM and JIT compiler. Based on GNU Classpath
JX Java operating system that focuses on a flexible and robust operating system architecture developed as an open source system by the University of Erlangen.
KERNAL (default OS on Commodore 64)
MERLIN for the Corvus Concept
MorphOS (Amiga compatible)
MSP by
Fujitsu (successor to OS-IV), now MSP/EX[3], also known as Extended System Architecture (EXA), for 31-bit mode
nSystem by Luis Mateu at DCC, Universidad de Chile
NetWare (networking OS by Novell)
Oberon (operating system) (developed at ETH-Zürich by Niklaus Wirth et al.) for the Ceres and Chameleon workstation projects.
OSD/XC by Fujitsu-Siemens (BS2000 ported to an emulation on a Sun SPARC platform)
OS-IV by Fujitsu (based on early versions of IBM's MVS)
Pick (often licensed and renamed)
PRIMOS by Prime Computer (sometimes spelled PR1MOS and PR1ME)
Sinclair QDOS (multitasking for the Sinclair QL computer)
SSB-DOS (by TSC for Smoke Signal Broadcasting; a variant of FLEX in most respects)
SymbOS (GUI based multitasking operating system for Z80 computers)
Symobi (GUI based modern micro-kernel OS for x86, ARM and PowerPC processors, developed by Miray Software; used and developed further at Technical University of Munich)
TraOS, kin to Darwin? Seems active late 2009
TripOS, 1978
TurboDOS (Software 2000, Inc.)
UCSD p-System (portable complete programming environment/operating system/virtual machine developed by a long running student project at the Univ Calif/San Diego; directed by Prof Ken Bowles; written in Pascal)
UMIX, made for the ICFP Programming Contest 2006.
VOS by Stratus Technologies with strong influence from Multics
VOS by Hitachi for its IBM-compatible mainframes, based on IBM's MVS
VM2000 by Siemens AG
VisiOn (first GUI for early PC machines; not commercially successful)
VPS/VM (IBM based, main operating system at Boston University for over 10 years.)
aceos under GPL
Miraculix Russian OS, under unknown license.
Elektronika BK
ROM embedded
OS BK-11 (RT-11 version)
AROS (AROS Research Operating System, formerly known as Amiga Research Operating System)
AtheOS (branched to become Syllable Desktop)
Syllable Desktop (a modern, independently originated OS; see AtheOS)
DexOS, (Games console OS, for x86, written in
EROS (Extremely Reliable Operating System)
FAMOS (Foremost Advanced Memory Operating System)
HelenOS, based on a preemptible microkernel design
LoseThos, the stated goal is "programming as entertainment" - oriented toward video games
MenuetOS (extremely compact OS with GUI, written entirely in FASM assembly language)
Möbius (an open-source operating system for the IA-32 platform (Intel i386 and compatibles) [4])
Personal digital assistants (PDAs)
iPhone OS (a subset of Mac OS X)
Inferno (distributed OS originally from Bell Labs)
Palm OS from Palm, Inc; now spun off as PalmSource
Symbian OS
Windows CE, from Microsoft
Pocket PC from Microsoft, a variant of Windows CE.
Windows Mobile from Microsoft, a variant of Windows CE.
Embedded Linux
Ångström distribution
Familiar Linux
webOS from Palm, Inc.
Maemo based on Debian deployed on Nokia's Nokia 770, N800 and N810 Internet Tablets.
MS-DOS on Poqet PC
Newton OS on Apple Newton Messagepad
VT-OS for the Vtech Helio
Magic Cap
Plan 9 from Bell Labs
Digital media players
Pixo OS
iPhone OS (a subset of Mac OS X)
iriver clix OS
Robotic Operating System
Dave's Robotic Operating System
BlackBerry OS
Embedded Linux
Access Linux Platform
Openmoko Linux
Qt Extended
LiMo Platform
iPhone OS (a subset of Mac OS X)
JavaFX Mobile
Palm OS
Symbian OS
Windows Mobile (Recently changed to Windows Phone)
AlliedWare by
Allied Telesis (aka Allied Telesyn)
AirOS by Ubiquiti Networks
CatOS by Cisco Systems
Cisco IOS (originally Internetwork Operating System) by Cisco Systems
CyROS by Cyclades Corporation
DD-WRT by NewMedia-NET
Inferno (distributed OS originally from Bell Labs)
IOS-XR by Cisco Systems
IronWare by
Foundry Networks
JunOS by Juniper Networks
RouterOS by
ROX by Ruggedcom
ScreenOS by
Juniper Networks, originally from Netscreen
Timos by Alcatel-Lucent
Unison Operating System by RoweBots
FTOS by Force10 Networks
RTOS by Force10 Networks
Microcontrollers and real-time systems
ChibiOS/RT (GPL-licensed RTOS)
CMX-RTX (RTOS for 8-/16-/32-bit µC/microprocessors. Has TCP/IP and USB support.)
Contiki written in C
DSPnano RTOS (POSIX nanokernel, DSP Optimizations, Open Source)
Fusion RTOS
iRMX (originally developed by Intel)
Inferno (distributed OS originally from Bell Labs)
LUnix written in 6502
MontaVista Linux
Open AT OS
Operating System Embedded (OSE)
OS-9 by Microware
RTEMS (Real-Time Executive for Multiprocessor Systems)
RTLinux by Wind River Systems
RTXC Quadros RTOS by Quadros Systems
TRON Project and ITRON Project (related to BTRON, CTRON, MTRON, etc.)
µOS++ (micro OS plus plus)
Unison Operating System
Versatile Real-Time Executive (VRTX)
VxWorks by Wind River Systems
XMK (eXtreme Minimal Kernel)
Other embedded
.NET Micro Framework
polyBSD (embedded
Windows Embedded
Windows CE
Windows Embedded Standard
Windows Embedded Enterprise
Windows Embedded POSReady
LEGO Mindstorms
Other capability-based
KeyKOS nanokernel
EROS microkernel
CapROS EROS successor
Coyotos EROS successor, goal: be first formally verified OS
MONADS, designed to support the MONADS hardware projects.
SPEEDOS builds on MONADS ideas
V from Stanford, early 1980s [2]